Family Visas
The parent migration program enables Australian citizens, permanent residents and eligible New Zealand citizens to sponsor their parents to migrate to Australia.
To be eligible for this type of visa, you:
Must be the parent of an Australian citizen or permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
Must be able to meet the balance of family test. The balance of family test requires you to have equal to or a greater number of children living permanently in Australia than any other country or countries overseas.
Must be sponsored by your child, who is required to be a settled Australian citizen or permanent resident. This means your child must have lived in Australia for at least two years. Will be required to have an assurer, who will provide an assurance of support.
There are three different types of visas available under the Parent visa category.
Parents under the Australian pension age must apply for a Parent visa outside of Australia or off-shore. Parents must be able to meet the balance of family test, be sponsored and have an assurer to provide an assurance of support.
Parents over the Australian pension age may be eligible to apply in Australia and also outside of Australia. Again they must be able to meet the balance of family test, be sponsored and have an assurer to provide an assurance of support.
Parents and Aged Parents who meet the legal requirements to be granted a Parent visa and who are willing to contribute to their health costs in Australia may apply for the Contributory Parent Visa. They will still need to be sponsored and have an assurer.
Applicants for the Contributory Parent Visa will need to pay a health charge of over AU$40,000 per adult before their visa will be granted. A financial bond of AU$10,000 for the main applicant and AU$4,000 per additional adult applicant is also required before the visa can be granted.
There is a two year temporary Contributory Parent Visa option available where applicants can pay half of the cost first and the remaining within the 2 year period to become a permanent resident.
Parent and Aged Parent applicants do not have to pay the same health charge as a Contributory Parent; however in general the waiting period for this visa to be granted is longer.